Wednesday 26 April 2017

Your Mid-Week Update 04/26/17

Many of you commented on my last update asking me to let Betty live and I suppose you’re right. Gaining viewers is a lot harder than gaining victims.

But I already stabbed her in the ear with a letter opener and left her body to rot in a watershed so…oops? I’m not really sorry you guys. I probably should be but it’s done and Betty was probably going to die anyways.

I think the worst part was battling the elements. The weather has been so crazy all this month. It snowed, then it was humid and hot, then it was raining, and now it’s snowing again except it’s warm enough that it melts before it touches the ground. The entire city is just slush. Luke warm slush. Everything is slippery and damp and I hate it.

The mess has made everything inconvenient. Just inconvenient. Do you realize how annoying that is? That’s like Blockbuster only carrying the second best movie.

Ooh I dated myself didn’t I? Meh. You knew that coming in to this update so why am I justifying myself?

I’m rambling, it’s time to go.


As always, dear readers,

Stay Safe

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